隨著年紀的增長,收到紅色炸彈的機會越來越多,看著大同小異的婚紗場景、拍照姿勢,心裡是否默默的自許才不要婚紗照跟姊妹撞衫、撞場景?蔚藍海岸婚紗Bluebay Wedding實現妳天馬行空的婚紗夢,以下10款唯美又獨特的 創意婚紗照 供妳參考,讓妳的婚紗相本歷久彌新、珍藏一輩子!
As you grow older, are more and more of your friends are getting married? As weddings become familiar, doesn’t the always unchanging patterns start to bore you? At Bluebay Wedding, we will help you come up with imaginative ideas to make your wedding photos perfect. Here are 10 beautiful and creative wedding photography ideas that will make your unique photos, last forever.