高端定製 婚紗照 !「攝影始祖」用4大構圖講述你們的愛情故事
High-end Custom Wedding Photos: Let 4 Photo Composition Unravel the Story of Your Love.
若說專業的婚紗攝影由台灣發跡,可能沒有人會反對。1950年代已有80%的台灣新婚夫妻會拍攝 婚紗照 ,1970年代後婚紗攝影服務全面普及台灣,並傳至新加坡、香港、中國大陸等地,這也就是為什麼蔚藍海岸婚禮能由台灣本店發展是新加坡、香港,累積上萬對新人口碑,至今依然為眾多新人的首選。
If one said that wedding photography had started in Taiwan, most likely no one will disagree. In the 1950s, 80% of Taiwanese couples would take wedding photos when they get married. By the 70’s, wedding photography had become very prevalent in Taiwan and had even spread to Singapore, Hong Kong, and mainland China. This is the reason why Bluebay Wedding had the ability to develop to countries beyond Taiwan and becoming the top choice of wedding photography for couples overseas.
Wedding photography consists of several essential elements. The most important being photography skills, but also the wedding gown, as well as makeup and hair. Today, we would like to introduce a particular professional wedding photographer—Mr. Teapot—who is well-known in both Taiwan and overseas.